Sunday, May 13, 2007

1 new blog added to the network is the newest blog that has been added to the network and is now up for anyone to sigh up and start posting for it. If you are wondering why should start posting in the network, let me just point out to you that Technorati has changed their ranking system and now you need links more then ever. If you want your blog to be noticed, post in the network of blogs provided by Share The Revenue, and get links and some extra AdSense revenue!

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3 Blogs in the network

If you look to the side abr on the right you will notice that there are 3 blog in the network section. If you are interested in writing for them and making money e-mail me at

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Saturday, May 12, 2007


Hello there! First off I would like to introduce myself, my name is Mario and I, like many, am looking for ways to earn money on the web. One of the best ways to do that is blogging, but there is one flaw to that, the fact that it takes a lot of technical knowledge to successfully blog and you have to be very persistent in order to see your earnings go anywhere. This is where the purpose of this blog comes in. I have a network of blogs, that are created, promoted and advertised by me, and I am looking for bloggers that are willing to occasionally write for them. In return the blogger will get to put a link or links of their blog or website in the post, and put an ad with their ad sense publisher's ID( it begins with pub- and there is a string of number after that). The publisher will also get links to his website or blog on all of the blogs in the network.

If you are a blogger that is interested in writing e-mail me at


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